
Look at the kepler.dat file in the Finder.
It resides in the MacDoppler data folder.

You can look at the "modified" date in the Finder, or open the file in 
the date should show at the top of the opened document.

The above instructions are for MacDopplerPro_X2.9.3.
If you are using a different version, you could possibly find the kepler.dat 
file in another location.

Bill N5AB

On May 8, 2014, at 11:36 AM, Dino Papas wrote:

> Can another MacDoppler user verify that they were able/not able to download 
> the Keps after this issue came up?  I THINK mine did not but wasn’t paying 
> enough attention to the voice announcement from MD that any data was actually 
> updated.
> Dino KL0S
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