What an extraordinary session tonight at this club - WARA in Fullerton, CA. I 
was last there five 
years ago ... they continue to grow ... and teach ... a new ham graduate from 
one of their test 
sessions was there ... "we" guided him to what to purchase this week at 
HRO-Anaheim ...

After performing my satellite presentation about 80 times, I thought I had 
"heard 'bout all" the 
possible questions that may arise. But this wise group hit me with a couple 
inquiries that I had never been 
asked before. (Proving to me that they WERE listening ... (grin).)

And what better way to finish a satellite presentation than to walk outside on 
a beautiful evening 
and watch the International Space Station streak across the sky above us. It 
was the very first time for EVERYONE 
in attendance to actually SEE the ISS pass overhead ...

SO - THANK YOU, Western Amateur Radio Association, for your hospitality this 
evening. And if anyone reading is 
in or near Orange County, CA, then please cruise the WARA Web site cited below 
and give them a visit.


Clint Bradford 

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