
You need one CT-17 or equivalent level converter.  I use the West Mountain 
Radio RIGtalk which is a USB serial port to CI-V interface.  Many people build 
their own (easy for an RS-232 serial port) or buy inexpensive converters from 

The CI-V interface is an "open-collector" party-line.  You can parallel 2-4 
Icom radios using Y-adapters, then connect it to the CI-V output of the CT-17, 
RIGtalk, or other similar interface.

Does that answer your question?

73, Steve N9IP
Steve Belter,

On Jul 31, 2014, at 10:10 AM, Tom Warren <> wrote:

>  Eric,
>       Thanks for you input. I do have an additional question…... about the 
> need of CT-17 level converter as noted in
> the owners manual, but I think Mike will answer it when he replies.   This, 
> to me, is the last piece of the puzzle
> (and my confusion). Is the ‘Y' adaptor cable to be used ‘in conjunction’ with 
> the CI-V level converter or…..’in place
> of ' the CI-V level converter?
> Again, I’m really impressed with the helpful responses I’ve received from 
> this group, thank you.
> I feel like I’m almost there ;0)
> 73
> Tom
> ps; from the looks of the archives, you have been involved in helping others 
> for a long time !!
> ………………………………
> On Jul 31, 2014, at 1:50 AM, Erich Eichmann <> 
> wrote:
>> Tom,
>> as Paul wrote already change the Icom address of one of the IC-706MKIIGs and 
>> enter the two addresses in the "Radio 1" section of menu "Radio Setup".
>> You can connect both radios to a single Icom CAT cable  by using an 
>> Y-adapter on the radio side of the CAT cable. Make sure that the CAT cable 
>> works on Windows 7 and 8, see the reply of Mike, W4UOO. 
>> When the program starts the radio with the first of the two addresses will 
>> run as the RX.
>> In menu "Radio Setup" check the option "Autom. RX/TX Change". The program 
>> will then automatically change the roles of both radios as RX and TX. when 
>> you switch between u/v and v/u sats  and you don't need to switch the 
>> 2m/70cm antennas between the radios.
>> Leave option "Satellite mode" and all other options in the menu un-checked.
>> 73s, Erich, DK1TB
>> Am 30.07.2014 14:09, schrieb Tom Warren:
>>> Hello to the group……..
>>> Does anyone have the specifics on how to setup two IC706 MKII-G’s for 
>>> satellite ssb/cw operation (duplex).
>>> I’ve done a bit of browsing and read the manual but remain confused on the 
>>> hardware needed when using
>>> my Compaq laptop (no serial port), only USB’s.
>>> Any advise would be appreciated.
>>> 73
>>> Tom
>>> W4TMW
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