On 8/1/14, M5AKA <m5...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> The $295,000 for a 3U CubeSat to LEO (which presumably means a 600 km or
> lower LEO) seems comparable with prices from others using proven launchers
> (typically $100k for 1U).
> It highlights the importance of partnering with others, such as Educational
> establishments to defray costs.


On the other hand, that company does have a proven launch record.  By
comparison, I know of a start-up that would air launch a cubesat for a
7-figure price, but it hasn't had a flight yet.  At the other end of
the scale, one group could do it for something like $60,000--but it
doesn't have a rocket ready to go, either.

Let's not forget that one gets what one pays for.


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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