Youness Alaoui wrote:

Nice gif :D
I'm not 'the guy' (aka. Tom:P) but I'll explain what I understood :
1 - the background of a menu is a gradient image going from dark grey to light grey, this explains the background becoming dark at one point in the menu, it's because the image is tiled (so you jump from beginning to the end of the background image, so you go from light to dark grey). This also explains your first point, why the background of submenus are different from the menu's background, it's because you opened your submenu low in the menu (my english explanation is worse than yours :P), so you see the 'light grey' at the point of where the submenu should appear, and you see the dark grey (top of the image) in the new submenu... if you open a submenu that is high in the menu's list (first, or second item) you won't see a difference in the backgrounds... Tom, why don't you change that background image to something similar to this background : ->
or this one :
the last one I like a lot, but I don't think it would blend in with amsn, so maybe use that background but modify it to blend in with amsn... or if you really don't want to, then change the gradient from dark-light, to dark-light-dark like someone else suggested (that wouldn't fix the visual problem of submenus background != main menu's background)..

Bruno, about your other problems, I don't know, sorry! but great job at finding the problems.. (did you correctly update the widget after Tom's modifications? Tom, do you have a versioning system in the widget, if yes, make sure it gets changed EVERYTIME you modify something, it may have been usefull in this case)
Can't you just check the CVS file version or something?

P.s.: I posted my first message on Tom's blog (about chameleon), take a look :


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