Op dinsdag 6 juni 2006 19:52, schreef Youness Alaoui:
> On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 13:24:24 -0400, Harry Vennik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Op maandag 5 juni 2006 22:07, schreef Philippe Khalaf:
> >> Hi,
> >>    Well after seeing that long thread about languages, it kinda feels
> >> like there is no solution but to keep the GUI in tcl/tk. We will never
> >> agree on a new language, we already know tcl/tk, and we have a whole
> >> lot of GUI code already written in TCL/TK.
> >
> > I think there is another solution. XML2GUI is probably going to work (I
> > am
> > working hard on that) so that would mean a Gtk-based engine written in C
> > and
> > the actual gui written in XML. If we want to keep the 'logic' part in
> > tcl/tk,
> > we'd just need a connector to pass on the events.
> > Information about the XML2GUI plan will be in the wiki when there is
> > really
> > something to tell (i.e. when there is a beginning of a real design
> > instead of
> > just a few experiments).
> very nice.. I hope you didn't waste your precious time and you looked at
> the tcl/tk wiki for some already existing implementations of xml2gui. Do
> you also have the thread of when talking about xml2gui, maybe you'll find
> something there that is of interest.
> anyways, thanx for not sleeping during this time where everyone seems to
> be taking holidays...
Yes, I looked at existing implementations. I found XML2GUI (as linked from our 
wiki) which I don't like because it seems to be nothing more than tk commands 
folded into an XML syntax, and it won't help us get rid of the uglyness of Tk 
on Linux.
Also it seems that there was something Gtk-based with Tcl bindings, called 
'Entity', but all website links I could find for it are dead, so I think it 
is not developed anymore.
Also I looked at some not Tcl-related implementations, but they're simply not 
the way I'd like it. In fact, XUL gets most close on syntax, Glade gets close 
in implementation/API.
I am trying to make a nice crossing between the two, as well as adding some of 
my own ideas. If it will work the way I think of now, the code needed to do 
this won't be so much. Most will be done using existing libraries (e.g. GLib, 
Gtk, libxml).

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