You need to be careful about the terms you use here. 

When I log in to the internet on my PC at home, I can dial in to one of 
3 ISPs (it seemed like a good idea at the time). The IP address listed 
in your log file will depend on which of the ISPs I'm currently logged 
in to. As a dialup customer, my domain name is my ISPs domain name.

Whne I'm at work, any time I hit your site it will up in your log with 
the IP address of my companies firewall. If 1,000 people at my company 
visit your site, you might only register 10 or 20 hits, because our 
proxy server will cache most of the requests. And evey one of the hit's 
you do register will show the same IP address.

When I dial in from home, I might show up in your log files as or, or even

In theory, you could have 10 different hits from, 
over a period of a month and each of them would be from a different 
customer of IPS1. By the same token, if I visit your site 10 times, I 
will probably have a different IP address each time, even if I always 

Note the address for the 3rd example. Many ISPs are now accessing the 
internet through a firewall that acts as a proxy server. Even though 
they might have 1000s of customers, all accesses appear to come from 1 
or 2 IP addresses.


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: [analog-help] Counting requests from unique DNS's
Author:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Internet
Date:    6/22/99 11:36 AM

Jeremy said:
>>Most ISPs (good ones) have a ten-to-one ratio of users and incoming 
lines (bad ones have even more users per line).

Is the report then listing the name or IP#'s of the ISP rather than the 
domainName of the requesting Browser owner?

I am new to analog and would like to receive this info if possible 
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