Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Dave Cobb wrote:
> > I would like to convert the perl script into ASP (For NT IIS
> > users).  Could someone please inform me as to how processes
> > the information and passes it to analog.exe. Are commands passed through
> > the cfg file then ran OR can commands be passed directly to the
> > executable, if so, how can this be done?
> >
> They're passed through in a pipe. Effectively an extra config file, but
> never written to disk.

I have a very good working knowledge of both Perl and ASP. I think this is
also a much better solution than compiling the script to 1.5MB executable. So,
Dave, if you want to tackle this beast and have questions on how to do
something or what something in Perl means, feel free to contact me personally.
I'm happy to provide any assistance I can.

Jeremy Wadsack
Digital Media Consultant
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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