Scott Martin wrote:

> I am trying to run a cron job in FREEBSD, the cron job works fine and
> I get the email. the problem is, however,      content-type:
> text/HTML    shows up in the BODY of the message and not the header.
> so I dont receive it like an HTML.  my cron job looks like this.
> 50 1 * * * perl -T /usr/home/nerds/cgi-bin/
> I also tried to run /usr/local/bin/analog   but that did not work
> either, I had a problem with permissions, so I would like to get it to
> work using I'm almost there..
> any ideas ??
> thanks
>   -Scott


You can't run CGI applications from cron. They are meant to be run
through a web server and delivered over an http connection. You really
should be running Analog from cron. If you don't have excecute
permissions to Analog, maybe you should fix it or ask you host (if it's
not your system) why you can't run it.


Jeremy Wadsack
Digital Media Consultant
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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