I would like to get a report of all the serlvet requests made, including the query 
string parameters. In the request output the request to the servlets are logged 
correclty however without the parameters passed to them. In the log file these 
parameters are indeed in a seperate column.

According to the analog documentation that extra column could be include with the %q. 
My problem is that I can't get this column included. I've also tried to use the 
ARGSFLOOR command, but got an error message. See below for details

I am using:

OS used NT 
analog version 4.01
Webserver  IIS

Lastly, is it possible to include only a set of query parameters, say the first 5?

error messages

C:\Programme\Weblog Analyser\analog 4.01\analog.exe: Warning C: Bad argument
  in configuration command: ignoring it:
C:\Programme\Weblog Analyser\analog 4.01\analog.exe: ...cont..:   (reason:
  query string without filename)
  (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
C:\Programme\Weblog Analyser\analog 4.01\analog.exe: Warning C: Unknown
  configuration command: ignoring it:

Analog configuration report


LOGFILE D:\Daten\SpatialX\logfiles\in000120.log

HOSTNAME "[www.bluemaps.ch]"

# excluding host which pings the application every 1 minute

FILEEXCLUDE /project/kop/images/*
FILEEXCLUDE /project/demo/* 

FILEINCLUDE /servlet/com.swissmaps.kop.mapimageservice.servlet.kopmapimageservlet
ARGSINCLUDE /servlet/com.swissmaps.kop.mapimageservice.servlet.kopmapimageservlet


Request Report

reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
----: ------: ---------------: ----
 136: 75.61%: 20/Jan/00 19:15: 

  27: 24.39%: 20/Jan/00 19:15: 

  11: 10.40%: 20/Jan/00 19:14:   


Kümmerly+Frey AG, Alpenstrasse 58, CH-3052 Zollikofen-Bern

Maurice Borer
GIS Application Developer
Tel. :    ++41 (0)31-915 22 57      Fax . :  ++41 (0)31-915 22 20

URL:      www.swissmaps.ch
URL:      www.KISSswiss.com

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