On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Clayton JS (John) wrote:

> thanks Stephen,
> I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with succesful experience of using cgi
> and Perl with NT.
> >From the command line I get the error message
> "Can't locate CGI.pm in @INC at anlgform.pl line 32
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at anlgform.pl line 32."
> this doesn't help me much. There is no CGI.pm, but I don't know where to get
> it.
> At the time I had no other CGI scripts. I have since tried another script
> from www.microsoft.com, that doesn't work either. The command line error
> message for that is
> "Can't locate Win32.pm in @INC at Machnm.pl line 32
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Machnm.pl line 32."
> Some of you may see a pattern emerging. Anyone know the way forward?

I think these are included in the standard Perl distribution. Try
downloading a new Perl from http://www.activestate.com/ActivePerl/

You could get the missing modules from http://www.cpan.org/ but I think it's
cleaner to download a fresh distribution or you may get in more trouble

Stephen Turner  http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/  http://www.analog.cx/
  Statistical Laboratory, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB, England
  "We can ask you to pay the full amount which you owe us if you:
   (a) become bankrupt; or (b) die." Egg Credit Card Agreement

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