Analog isn't finding the config file - I'd check the position of your analog.cfg (it needs to be in the same dir as analog.exe). Also check you haven't written anything at the top of analog.cfg which isn't commented out as this will stop analog.exe reading the config bits....
It's probably more complex but experience has proved the above....
-----Original Message-----
From: BEER On The Wall - Rick Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 23 February, 2000 5:10 PM
Subject: [analog-help] uncompress

i have downloaded version 4.03 and i cannot get analog to uncompress my *.gz files.
i used the UNCOMPRESS *.gz, but it didn't work.  i get a fatal error saying "failure to open configuration file analog.cfg: ignoring it"... then it goes on to say it can't find a language file and so forth.  basically i get no output.
can anyone help?
Rick Steven,
BEER On The Wall...
The California Microbrew Store
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