> Depends on how busy your site is. If you get 10MB of logs per day, you
> can easily store 5 years of uncompressed log files on a $200 hard drive.
> With compression, you could probably increase that by a factor of 5-10.
> (How much memory you'd need to analyse this, though, I have no idea -
> I've run a couple of reports on about 3G of log files on a system with
> 250Mg of RAM).

Welp, we have 128 in there, but gigabytes of log files isn't appealing to us
at all. I'd like to steer away from any examples involving indefinitely
archives years and years of logs. How does this limit me?

Our current analyzer stores everything in a tab delimited flatfile - it
doesn't remember referrer's, it doesn't remember much of anything besides
hits and total bytes for hits. And that's just fine. If I can get all stats
per week, and then a cumulative total for a few of the major stats, then
I'll be happy...

> You'd have had it installed, and run some sample reports in the time it
> you to write this note.....

Well, I fibbed a bit. I have a Mac version of it running at home based on a
couple of weeks of logs for my site that I sucked down. I've been hesitant
to install it on the Linux (production) server until I get some final clues
nailed down. Ultimately, I'd like to get it working manually on my Mac
system before I go nuts on 120 virt. domains on the production server...

> >Basically, this is what I want:
> >
> >a) Reports generated every week.
> >b) A monthly report.
> >c) An overall report.
> Nothin' to it...

Ok. So, how would I go about this? One statement worries me: "A couple of
other minor points: the pattern of failed requests and redirected requests
over time is not recorded in the cache file. So although the total number
will still be correct, the number in the last 7 days can be under-reported
subsequently. And times are only recorded to five-minute resolution."

One of my methods of madness is to take a look at the weekly logfile, find
out how many accesses happened that week and add that to a general total on
the home page of my site (Disobey.com). This statement worries me in that
I'm very vain when it comes to total hits (over 7 million now).

Would this ruin that vanity?

And how does this work anyways? A moment's reflection says that if Analog
looks at the log file for the last seven days and generates a report based
on that, then the hits will be fine. But if Analog looks at the cache files
leading up to (but not including) the last seven days, then it will report
the accurate total hits. Great. But, how does the historic cache files with
the total hits modify the new report that Analog is running for the last
seven days?

I don't think I phrased that well. Uh. Why would Analog look at the historic
cache files to determine the hits for the brand-new last seven days report?

Ignoring that question, where are the cache files created? Could I set up a
directory called /usage - have analog send its html reports there, and keep
the cache reports in /usage/cache? And then each week, Analog would read
from /usage/cache plus the new weekly log file to generate a new report
under /usage?

Would this new report under usage, because of the cache have total hits and
monthly stuff based on how back the cache goes?

Again, thanks for explaining all this to an Analog newbie. I hope I'm not
embarrassing the mailing list all that much ;)

Kevin Hemenway
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