Kevin Hemenway wrote:

> > Kevin Hemenway wrote:
> >
> > > So, scratch the idea of keeping the log files. Do I have any other
> option?
> >
> > Cache files. See As long as you
> won't
> > later be changing the data you want to report on from the past, this will
> work
> > wonderfully. They reduce the amount of storage and memory usage needed by
> Analog
> > and can be compressed in disk as well.
> And if I did change the format? The data itself wouldn't change - it'd be
> straight log files from Apache 1.3.9. However, stuff that may change in the
> future:
>     a) addition of new logs (ie, a referrer log, or error log report).

Then referrer reports will only go back as far as the data does. Analog doesn't
process error reports (they're meant for human consumption).

>     b) adding or removing a report from view

Does not affect the cache files.

>     c) adding a new subdirectory to specifically watch.

Again, does not affect the cache files.

> I have no intention of messing with inclusions or exclusions. What would
> happen if I changed something that was different with the cache files, and
> Analog still ran? Corrupted data? Ignored cache files? New data only for the
> new cache files, and old data still displayed from the old cache files?
> Nothing?

The only things that affect cache files are inclusions and exclusions (including
those implied by time commands [FROM and TO] and *LOWMEM commands and those
created by changes in logformat). If the data in a cache file is changed, Analog
would still run, but some values may be erroneous (e.g. total count for
previously excluded file, host, browser, etc) and some reports may not have data
as far back as others (e.g. adding referrer data).


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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