>From the docs:

"I prefer to make a separate cache file from each logfile, in case something
goes wrong with one of them, rather than a single cache file combining
several logfiles, or a single cache file combining an old cache file and a

To clarify, he's saying that for every access-log, referrer-log, and
agent-log, there should be a matching cache file? I know this what he
prefers, but I'm trying to work this out in my head and understand what he's
saying first.

Then he confuses me - how do you create a new cache file that contains an
old cache file and new data from a new cache file? Is he talking about
taking (for example): week1.cache, week2.cache, week3.cache, and week4.log
and combining them all into a month.cache and outputfromlog.html?

How does that happen? What do you need to do to do that?

It'd be nice if I could set something up where I'd have one master cache
file which has all the cache from day 0 which is read and appended to each
week as Analog writes the weekly reports. Is this possible? Is there
anything bad in doing this?

Kevin Hemenway
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