Kevin Hemenway wrote:

> >From the docs:
> "I prefer to make a separate cache file from each logfile, in case something
> goes wrong with one of them, rather than a single cache file combining
> several logfiles, or a single cache file combining an old cache file and a
> logfile."
> To clarify, he's saying that for every access-log, referrer-log, and
> agent-log, there should be a matching cache file? I know this what he
> prefers, but I'm trying to work this out in my head and understand what he's
> saying first.

Yes. And if you are rotating logs (say, daily) then a matching cache file for
each day.

> Then he confuses me - how do you create a new cache file that contains an
> old cache file and new data from a new cache file? Is he talking about
> taking (for example): week1.cache, week2.cache, week3.cache, and week4.log
> and combining them all into a month.cache and outputfromlog.html?

> How does that happen? What do you need to do to do that?

Yes combinig daily to weekly, weekly to monthly, server 1 through 15 into
master, etc. Using something like this (this would build a cumulative one)

CACHEFILE oldcache
LOGFILE access_log,referrer_log,agent_log

> It'd be nice if I could set something up where I'd have one master cache
> file which has all the cache from day 0 which is read and appended to each
> week as Analog writes the weekly reports. Is this possible? Is there
> anything bad in doing this?

Yes, you can do this. Use the above, and copy newcache to oldcache before
running every week.

The problem with this is, if there's somekind of a data error in the cache file
(say a CRC error on the disk plate) then the entire cache is lost, from day 0
(unless, you have backups, which I'm sure you do). If you merely told analog:


to read the reports and output each week


then you'd only have to recover a week's worth of data by hand.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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