Tristan Lawrence wrote:

> I'm not sure that would be a problem, though. As I recall (I wrote this
> a while ago) the script collects all of the stats for a particular day;
> it doesn't limit them at all. The filtering takes place when it outputs.

Well, Analog does filtering by default and the script doesn't 'turn off' the floors. In
fact the script does do the fitering:

131:BROWFLOOR 200p
206:DIRFLOOR 100p\n

Theoretically, you could set *FLOOR 1r or *FLOOR 0b (equivalent) for every report, but
then you'd end up with all the data that's in the cache file in a non-compressed format
(cachfiles aren't, strictly, compressed [though they can be], but they don't have all
the HTML stuff around the entries either). So I don't think you get a memory savings
unless you significantly trim the bottom of the reports, in which case you run the risk
of bad results.

BTW, I've been trying to figure out if this is possible for the Report Magic product
(running Report Magic on multiple input files) and would love it if you could convince
me there is a way to do this efficiently that does work. :)


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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