Aengus Lawlor wrote:

> >We usually setup servers (NT or Unix) for vitual hosts with separate 'web' and
> >'logs' directories for each virtual host client. e.g. (in NT/IIS style)
> >
> >   inetpub\wwwroot\vhostA\logs (where the logs are stored from IIS MMC)
> >   inetpub\wwwroot\vhostA\web (which is pointed to by
> I strongly discourage creating Virtual Hosts in the wwwroot directory -
> it's the default root for the Default server, so that
> will give full access to the logs by
> default, and may bypass any ISAPI filters
> or other IIS configuration restrictions placed on the virtual host,
> unless you've taken steps to modify the behaviour of the Default Web
> site. Virtual hosts should be rooted in the Inetpub directory
> (inetpub\vhostA\) rather than the wwwroot directory.

Point taken. I've never actually used the wwwroot folder in the way it was
intended. The first security step on any systen being to change any well-known
system defaults to non-standard behavior. So, yes, in a default install, your
directory arrangement makes better sense.

   inetpub\vhostA\logs (where the logs are stored from IIS MMC)
   inetpub\vhostA\web (which is pointed to by

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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