Alle 17.46 Wednesday 10/05/2000 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha mandato a Marco 
questo messaggio:

>I'm new to this list and was hoping someone could help me... I've included my
>information from my stats page below. I was just wondering if the redirected
>requests seem way out of wack. Could someone help me decipher?
>Successful requests: 273 682
>Redirected requests: 1 903 503 <---- Does this number seem out of wack??

If you have a link to and foe isn't a page but a 
directory this is a "redirection".
If you want to decrease redirected requests think of that while writing Web 
pages: remember to add a / when a link points to a directory.

But your numbers seems a bit strange: I've only 1.736 redirs on 99.943 
Your numbers seems very odd.
Maybe Stephen can give us more light...


Marco Bernardini

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