Ian Stong wrote:

> I am using analog 4.1 for daily reports successfully.  I am trying to think
> ahead for when I have to generate weekly and monthly reports.  What do you
> use for these reports?


> Certainly one option is to use from/to or place a
> months worth of logs in a directory and run analog on those files.  I
> suspect that would take days to complete if a days worth already take quite
> awhile.
> Would the CACHE option help?

Yes. The CACHE option is meant for exactly this. But also consider, that daily
reports are (probably) doing DNS lookups, which takes the most time, and weekly
or monthly report (for which daily reports have already been gerenated) will
not need to do this as the DNS names are already cached. So you might want to
just try running it before you get into cache files.

> Certainly you could output the daily stats to a csv file and summarize
> monthly using perl/python etc.  Other methods?

No, you can't do this. The data provided in your daily reports is report data
-- it's not complete. In particular you are probably using floors and
exclusions to report on only items you want covered. If you summarize report
data that doesn't contain all the data, you will get inaccurate and wrong
results. The only way to guarantee that the results are right is to list every
item in the reports, which is, in effect, what the cache files offer, but much
more efficiently.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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