
I'm quite new to this, so please forgive me if this isn;t the solution.!

Have you tried specifying the Logfiles on 2 separate lines rather than on

Kieran Metcalfe

|        |          "Tim Pickering"        |
|        |          <tpickering@commercenti|
|        |          .com>                  |
|        |          Sent by:               |
|        |          owner-analog-help@lists|
|        |          .isite.net             |
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|        |                                 |
|        |          07/12/2000 14:01       |
|        |          Please respond to      |
|        |          analog-help            |
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  |       To:     "Tim Pickering" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  |
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:     [analog-help] RE: Using the At command on NT with logfiles 
located on a network         |

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Pickering  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 December 2000  11:55
Subject: Using the  At command on NT with logfiles located on a network


I'm having  problems getting the AT schedule on NT to successfully run
analog and produce  a statistical report with meaningful content.

I use the  following batch file to run analog:

cd  c:\StaticAnalog\mywebsite
c:\analog4\analog.exe +ganalog.cfg

This works from  the DOS command prompt, but does not work from the
schedule as it executes  analog but produces an empty html report. I am
sure the problems I'm having  are to do with the fact that I'm trying to
read to W3C IIS log files on two  different machines on an NT network. The
LOGFILE command in my analog.cfg  looks like this:

LOGFILE \\NTbox1\weblogs\other\mywebsite\w3svc3\ex001204.log,

I've read that the  level of permissions can cause problems when trying to
use the schedule to  access a file on a different machine on a network, but
as I've given the  schedule service administration rights and it's still
not working I don't  really know what the problem is. I am using Analog 4.

Any help greatly  appreciated


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