On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Martin Freedman wrote:
> But I must be missing something with regard to using anlgform.html 
> as a test. Any switches it or any page PUTing to anlgform.pl that 
> are, say, for DNS or SETTINGS, will be forbidden by anlgform.pl, 
> but any name name value pairs in analog.cfg will not be 
> filtered/forbidden through anlgform.pl? This is the only way I can 
> see how SETTINGS ON and HOSTURL are set since otherwise I 
> should never have been able to get SETTINGS ON working when 
> called by anlgform.pl (since it is in @forbidden()). Nevertheless 
> DNS did not work this way...Stephen mentioned that DNS  would not 
> work through anlgform.html/pl - surely this then must be in addition 
> to anything I noted above or what?

The form forbids DNS as above. But it also sets DNS itself, to READ if a
DNSFILE was specified, and to NONE otherwise.

Stephen Turner               http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/
  Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
  "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
   time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)

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