
    I encountered a similar problem last week.
I use analog 4.16 on Solaris 8, but the solution
might fit your situation.  The Referrer Report
don't recognize your domain as do some other
reports (e.g., Request Report).  This might be
due to the structure of server log files.  So, the
domain name is needed.  Or to put it differently.

    ARGSEXCLUDE /cgi-bin/*
        works for the Request Report

    REFARGSEXCLUDE /cgi-bin/*
        doesn't work for the Referrer Report

    REFARGSEXCLUDE http://www.mydomain.com/cgi-bin/*
        works for the Referrer Report

-- Duke Hillard

David Keppler wrote:

> I've been testing out the new 4.90 betas for a site I work on. I've been
> having some trouble getting the ARGSINCLUDE options to work properly for
> the Referrer and Request reports. I'm trying to set the report up so it
> reports back the arguments for a particular script in the referrer report
> but no arguments elsewhere in the referrer or requests reports. With
> ARGSEXCLUDE * , which from the documentation I think should just disable
> argument reporting for the request report only, all argument reporting
> everywhere is disabled. And there is no option like REQARGSEXCLUDE which
> is the type of filter I want to use.
> REFARGSINCLUDE and REFARGSEXCLUDE appear to have absolutely no effect on
> the final report. I've tried dozens of combinations of these but nothing
> works. I have a partial solution by setting REQARGSFLOOR to a ridiculously
> high setting like 10000000r to hide all the arguments in the request
> report, but doing something similar to hide all but the one referrer I
> want to display doesn't work. In fact, REFARGSFLOOR seems to do absolutely
> nothing at all no matter what I set it to.
> These are the lines in my analog.cfg file that relate to this:
> REQARGSFLOOR 100000000r
> REQFLOOR -200r
> REFARGSINCLUDE /clickthrough.php3
> This gives me just argument break downs for the referrer report. But the
> floor of 50 requests to display particular argument is ignored, as far as
> I can tell, and it defaults to using 10r for some reason.
> Am I doing something blatantly wrong here or did I run across a bug in the
> new beta?
> Thanks,
> -- David Keppler
> Testing can show the presense of bugs, but not their absence.
>                 -- Dijkstra
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