Searle, Robert (XRCC) wrote:

> Fri 27 Apr,19:04:01                   4   New   Win 98  +
> Fri 27 Apr,19:05:31  7   New   Win 98  +
> Fri 27 Apr,19:08:03  4   New   Win 98  +
> If you click on the plus (in I.E. 5.5 anyway) you will a new mail message
> with the visitor's e-mail address.  This will not work on the demo page,
> since they do not want you to e-mail people that visited their clients sites
> (for obvious reasons).  I am guessing they can get the e-mail address from
> the browser.  Many browsers would ask you to enter in your e-mail address
> during the install process for this reason (I think).

Browsers do not automatically provide email addresses except in the case 
of anonymous ftp, when it is used as the password, and then I think 
Netscape and IE both default to not providing it. In any case, I don't 
know of any web server that logs this. You would have to collect the 
information yourself (through a form, as I'm sure they do) and then 
correlate it with the hosts (a *very* resource intensive task). Analog 
does not do this.

Another possibility occurs to me (since I can't see the email 
addresses). Are these perhaps the address of the hostmaster in charge of 
the domain for which the host is registered? Again, Analog doesn't do 
this, and I'm not sure how useful it would be anyway.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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