They should be in your Analog distribution directory. If you built
from scratch or from one of the binaries on the site, look in the lang
directory just below where Analog was installed. If you built from and
rpm or similar distro use your distro tool to find out where the files
are (e.g. rpm -ql analog | grep lang)


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group


> Using this would be good, but I can't seem to find these files on my server

> At 09:22 17/09/01 -0700, you wrote:
>>> Is it possible to change the wording of report titles and the short
>>> descriptions of the section given after the "goto" links? Some of my
>>> bosses think the wording of the "Request Report" is misleading or
>>> confusing in our analysis, since we use "REQINCLUDE pages" to limit
>>> this to the number of pages, not just files, on the site. They would
>>> rather have it  say "Page Request Report" or something similar.
>>You can change the language files in the lang directory in your
>>distribution. For US English, for example, you would change
>>lang/us.lng and lang/usdesc.txt.
>>Jeremy Wadsack
>>Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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