"Ian Henghes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Without LOGFORMAT I get an HTML page with no report on it! e.g.
> standard header and footer then in the general summary section
> the line:
> Successful requests: 0
> Perhaps there is something blindingly obvious about using Analog
> that I am missing here...? Although like I say the test log file
> supplied is reported on just fine!

Analog is a command line program - I'd guess that you're running it by
double-clicking on an icon on your desktop, and completely ignoring the
messages that Analog displays that explain why it doing what it's doing
(including explaining why it considers lines to be corrupt).

Open a Command Prompt, and run Analog there, so you can see it's output.
Or, if you don't like command lines, add
ERRFILE filename
to you config file, and open the specified error file to see why Analog is
doing what it's doing.


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