>"Robert Brenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  It would be nice if Analog reported always the progress lines
>>  from the PROGRESSFREQ command to the screen even if the ERRFILE
>>  directs debugging output to a file. I am processing logs with
>>  close to 1,000,000 entries and am capturing DNS resolves and
>>  corrupt lines into the file but by doing so I seem to have no
>>  means to watch program's progress. I am using Mac version 5.21
>>  if that matters.
>I've been using Analog for years, and I never even knew there was a
>PROGRESSFREQ directive until now, because Analog is so fast that I've
>never needed it. (I just did a quick test, and analysed a logfile of
>1,000,000 entries in less than 3 minutes, on a 600Mhz PIII. Of course,
>that's without doing DNS translation - I'm not even going to try it with
>Analog doing DNS translation, because I know it will take hours. But I can
>resolve the 25,000 hosts in that log file in about 10 or so minutes using
>a helper app. Have you tried to use DNSTrans with your logs?)

What you are saying is true but even without DNS resolution (using 
just cache) a typical run lasts 7-8 mins. I failed to mention that 
while a single-month log is about 1 mln entries but I run the 
12-months analyses. You say it takes you 3 mins for a 1-mln-entries 
file (1 month). If you ran the same over 12 months to produce an 
annual report that would be 3x12 = 36 mins. Probably less since there 
is some start/end overhead, so let's less say 24 mins (since I run 
these in 7-8 mins, I am not doing so bad with my G3/300).

The problem is that some of the analyses are running out of memory (I 
have only 256-mb machine), so I have to effectively produce only a 
single "report" in each run. This means that I have to Analog quite a 
few times to get what I need. While Analog is usually quite good in 
noticing low-memory situation and exiting cleanly, I get ocassional 
hangups and freezes (I do use other programs in the meantime) and I 
can't easily say whether the program is doing some analyses (I 
observe some hangups when it is producing the actual report) or 
whether there is a problem.

I am only now getting to the organization and host level analyses, so 
I may need to activate some of the lowmem options which is my 
understanding will extend the run times even further.

>I don't know of any way to do what you're actually asking for, because I
>presume that Analog simply switches the value of STDOUT when you set the
>ERRFILE directive.

Yes, I don't see a command to do it, hence I am asking to change the 
behavior as the default or as an option. I realize this requires some 
changes in the code but it should not be a major rewrite and the 
(notably small) group of users like me would greatly appreciate that. 
You have to agree that writing progress info to a disk file makes no 

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