I've got an '82 Kawasaki Z1000 Ltd which takes me to work in the rain most
days and I enjoy it too. A can understand that the spark plug goes in the
spark plug hole.

That's two things in common!


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Maff Rigby
Sent: 01 May 2002 10:22
Subject: RE: [analog-help] Buidling Analog 5.22 on S390

Actually I own a bike which I built myself :p but I understand your point
though - it is frustrating trying to get something to work - especially
computers!!! But what you count as a 'waste of time' others count as a
'learning experience' which is why I am doing this job in the first place :)



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andy McKenna
Sent: 01 May 2002 10:08
Subject: RE: [analog-help] Buidling Analog 5.22 on S390

Hello Maff

I'm not moaning - its more frustration and a complete waste of time to go
through the same hassle that many other people have gone through. Is this
progress or the best way for people to spend their time? I just want a tool
to use - I don't want to know how it works.

Do you own a car? Did it come with the bonnet open for you to learn how to
put the engine together before you can drive off in it somewhere...?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Maff Rigby
Sent: 01 May 2002 09:30
Subject: RE: [analog-help] Buidling Analog 5.22 on S390


I would agree that Analog isn't child's play, but it is unfair to criticise
the application just because you can't use it. I have had lots of problems
understanding things, but with the help of the manual and people on this
list I'm getting there and analog is working for me.

That's what this mailing list is for - think of the point you are stuck on
(i.e. I can't read a log file or I get an empty report), read that section
in the manual, search through the archive or ask a question on here. People
are willing to help because they've probably asked the same questions before
and someone else helped them.

So, instead of moaning about how it does not work, ask the question 'why
does it not work?' and you will get the answers you are looking for.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andy McKenna
Sent: 01 May 2002 09:12
Subject: RE: [analog-help] Buidling Analog 5.22 on S390

Hello Stephen

I thought I'd take the time to write you to let you know of my two major
experiences of Analog.

My background is printing, publishing, photography, design and websites and
I find most things to do with computer coding both difficult and boring
although I can also see how powerful and exciting this could be, if this is
all one did in life.

Anyway, I first downloaded Analog a year ago, tried to set it up, got so
far, never, ever got those images to load on the report, and never got the
report I needed.

Yesterday, I did exactly the same thing with 5.2 and got no further than
last time. I can see to some extent what should be happening, not working
with joinedtogetherwordsandnumbers is not intuitive to me. I also downloaded
ReportMagic thinking this would provide a wizard to help set up Analog, but
now realise this is not the case, and unless I get Analog set up,
ReportMagic is pretty useless to me.

I don't believe I am alone in the world!

I read through lots of the help pages understanding some bits but not
others. The puzzle was not coming together for me, so I decided to subscibe
to the mailing lists. I've never used a mailing list before and having
subscribed to yours, I've no idea how to ask a question - didn't find any
instructions or help on the subject either.

Bottom line coming up...

I'm certain you really know lots of things about computers and how the
internet works. You're probably even a great programmer, but I feel that if
your Analog programme is to be of help to ANYONE, it should be so much
easier to use.

You are making a good contribution to the world of Internet users by
providing this application for free, but some people like me would readily
pay a reasonable amount to be able to use it properly, without having a
Degree and interest in computer programming. After all there are other
exciting things to do in life... like use colour and images and words to
excite people.

Can you recommend a company or individual, who for a couple of hours work at
a reasonable hourly rate, will contact me and help me set up an Analog
report which will be of use to me. I could then hopefully be able to simply
change the domain name. log file and folder info, to produce reports for
other websites.

Yours sincerely

Andy McKenna
Nevisprint Ltd, Fort William
tel: 01397 704083 fax: 01397 705890

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen Turner
Sent: 30 April 2002 16:53
Subject: Re: [analog-help] Buidling Analog 5.22 on S390

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Bates, Lisa wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to build analog 5.22 on OS390 2.10.
> [...]
> Currently I am stuck on the compile of  output2.c   the error messages are
> ERROR CBC3045 ./output2.c:313   Undeclared identifier os_toascii.

Sorry, this is a bug. You can fix it by finding the function htmlputs() at
about line 268 and adding

#ifdef EBCDIC
  extern unsigned char os_toascii[];

just above "extern logical cgi;"

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC,

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