In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Christine Rorer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I have just downloaded Analog 5.23 and am beginning to use it.  On the
> Request Report, the html pages are links so that they can be clicked on and
> you will be taken to the page.  I am currently running this on my local
> machine with Windows 98 (I've ftp'd the logs there) and when the report is
> created (on my C:\drive), the links have the prefix of C:\\, rendering them
> not useful.  I'd like the links to have the prefex of the URL, so that when
> they are clicked on, they take you to the actual web page.  Where is the
> setting for this?  In other words, why do the Request Report links default
> to my c:\ drive?

Because you have not told analog where you want them linked to. See the section
"Other reports" in the documentaiton for details on the required parameters.

Klaus Johannes Rusch
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