The other comments cover pretty much everything, but if you are using a free ISP and free webspace you will almost certainly find that they won't co-operate. And if your site is that new, you probably won't have many visitors to log anyway (I may be wrong, of course.)
You can get simple statistics by using the free services of someone like, which simply involves you adding a bit of invisible HTML to your site. That would probably be enough for now, and then you can get on with learning JavaScript, DHTML, XHTML, Perl and so on!
If you like a couple of logfiles to play with, just to see the output of analog, I'll happily send you some.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robin
Sent: 09 September 2002 05:41
Subject: [analog-help] Should i give up?

I am probably one of those that people such as yourself (those with computer wisdom) despise.  I only use windows 98 and am heavily reliant on buttons and functions that happen automatically.  But in this hour of need i ask that you disregard intellectual differences and remember our shared humanity.  I learnt how to write html 3 week ago but already have a web site up (i only use Notepad to author my site, perhaps that could be seen as an act of redemption?!?)
I have downloaded analog 5.24 and have been trying for many hours to get it to work.  I have attempted to configure, reread pages of the Read Me files and FAQ but alas i just can't get it to work.  There seems to be no simple way of implementing this program.  I think i get lost around the logfiles area ie  the logfile is  meant to be stored locally, but how do i get this service online, do i only need one logfile, do i create them, what files do i need to upload to my server?  I could go on.  I guess my predicament is clear.  Is analog too wild a beast to tame for someone like me.  After hours of struggle, concentration and sore eyeballs, do i give up and remove the program.  I would love to have it operational on my site, and be able to tell others about it, it seems like an amazing package but i fear i contain not the stuff that will make it work. 
Any response would be much appreciated,

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