On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Robin wrote:
> I have downloaded analog 5.24 and have been trying for many hours to get
> it to work.  I have attempted to configure, reread pages of the Read Me
> files and FAQ but alas i just can't get it to work.  There seems to be no
> simple way of implementing this program.  I think i get lost around the
> logfiles area ie the logfile is meant to be stored locally, but how do i
> get this service online, do i only need one logfile, do i create them,
> what files do i need to upload to my server?  I could go on.  I guess my
> predicament is clear.  Is analog too wild a beast to tame for someone like
> me.  After hours of struggle, concentration and sore eyeballs, do i give
> up and remove the program.  I would love to have it operational on my
> site, and be able to tell others about it, it seems like an amazing
> package but i fear i contain not the stuff that will make it work. 

You're right, you do need a logfile. But this is not a file you create
yourself -- it's created automatically by the web server as it runs. Analog
reads this file to find out what the web server's been doing.

If your site is hosted by an ISP, you have two options. (1) Ask them to send
you the logfile. (2) Ask them to run analog for you on their machine.
Different ISPs may be willing to do one or the other, both, or neither.

Makes sense?

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK    http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
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