Stephen Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, ryne anderson wrote:
>> Im analyzing a log file that appends to one that was created 2 weeks
>> ago. After every 2 weeks the file is closed, cached and a new one is
>> created.  I am also anylizing the file every 24 hours, to create a
>> 24 hour report, and while the correct hits/vistors are being shown,
>> the "Sucessful server requests" field is being shown as a very large
>> number, probably the total of the requests since this file was
>> created.
> It is essential to make a new cache file from each logfile, without
> including any previous cache files. This is all documented in gory
> detail in docs/cache.html.

I don't think he was talking about Analog cache files.

Ryne, the "Successful Requests" number (the first line in the General
Summary) is the number of log entries with a 200 status code (or other
status code indicating a success) that occurred in the time period
listed at the very top of the Analog report. It includes image requests
as well as page requests.

If the time period ("Analysed requests from ... to ...") is 1 day, then
the Successful Requests figure is for that one day. You should see the
"Unwanted Log Entries" value increase each day by the amount of the
previous days "Successful Requests".


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