Doug Perkes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am looking for some help getting the USER report to work properly.
> The documentation states "The User Report lists your visitors if your
> server requires authentication, or perhaps the visitors' cookies."

If your logformat doesn't have a "real" userID field, Analog will use
the Cookie field for the UserID, but it will use the whole cookie field,
and then you can do some regular expressions with USERALIAS to pick out
just the wbeSessionID. If you do have a UserID field as well as a cookie
field, you'll have to create a couple of custom Logformats that put %u
in for the cookie field.

> My question is:
> Can the analog USER report look at the cookie wbeSessionID and give
> me a count of the total number of unique cookie values? If so, could
> someone please post the config lines needed?

Analog won't include a "Unique Users" line in the General Summary, so
you have to enable the User Report and calculate the number of users
from the number of users displayed and the number not displayed.


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