Mike Mimic wrote:

--- Duke Hillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You could run a separate report for each user.
You might want to use a shell script for this with
variables for username and destination of output.

Hm. But I have logs only for a whole server and not for every user directoy separatly.

So I have to manually (or make a program) grep all
logs (even gzip-ed ones) for each user in a turn and
save that to a temporary file on which I run analog?
Won't that create big temporary files (all logs
degziped ...)?

No, you can just use FILEINCLUDE for each run of Analog to tell it to only look at requests for particular paths:

FILEINCLUDE /clientname/*

See http://analog.cx/docs/include.html for details

-- Jeremy Wadsack +------------------------------------------------------------------------ | TO UNSUBSCRIBE from this list: | http://lists.isite.net/listgate/analog-help/unsubscribe.html | | Digest version: http://lists.isite.net/listgate/analog-help-digest/ | Usenet version: news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.analog.general | List archives: http://www.analog.cx/docs/mailing.html#listarchives +------------------------------------------------------------------------

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