Partial answers...

At 06:19 AM 12/2/04, Paul Murphy wrote:
Hi All,
I have a website.
On that website are various pages.
On one of those pages x.html there are 3 hyperlinks to 3 separate pdf files (1 per hyperlink). Call them file a.pdf, b.pdf and c.pdf.
When I view the Request Report, I want to see the number of separate accesses to each of the 3 pdf files.
Ideally I want to know how many times the files have downloaded but I know I can't get that. The only question I need to know is how many times have those files can be accessed.
Each pdf file consists of 2 pages.
The analog output Request Report shows the following:-
a.pdf has had 434 requests.
b.pdf has had 312 requests.
c.pdf has had 1111 requests.
My questions are as follows:-
1)Does the number of requests include google etc robot hits? If so, how do I determine the number due to robots?
2)Am I right in assuming that the a.pdf and b.pdf files have been accessed 217 and 156 times respectively (1 request per pdf page, 2 pdf pages per file)?

No. Hits = accessing a file. It does not matter how many pages that file has. It does take time for Acrobat to render each page.

3)Why does c.pdf show an odd number of requests if it has 2 pages?

See #2. c.pdf has 1111 attempted accesses.

You can use the number of bytes sent for each request to make a determination of how many times the full file is downloaded. This probably requires filtering & processing separate from analog.

| Leonard Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Internet Consulting
| e3D News Technical Editor
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