On Dec 20, 2004, at 01:43 PM, Aengus wrote:
What happens when you try to wrap the username in quotes? (change %u to

I tried that and didn't get the result I was expecting. I have a snippet of one of the log files, that's only 18 lines long, 7 of which contain a user name with spaces. If I add the quotes to that, were should I make the change in Analog? Also, I'm also using Analog Helper (if that matters), as that was the quickest way for me to run several tests.

You're probably getting tripped up because you're trying to use a space
as the separator between %u and %t. But if the Time is wrapped in square
brackets, then you can cheat a little bit by using the [ as the

LOGFORMAT (%S %j %u[%d/%M/%Y:h:%n:%j] etc, etc)

Interesting... that never occurred to me.

In this case, Analog will treat everything between the 2nd space and the
[ as the username. Note that this will mean that the Username ends in a
space, which might cause some problems with USERINCLUDES and

That's probably not a problem. We hardly ever run User-based reports from Analog, I just want those lines to parse correctly. We've got whole sites that can't run stats at all, since every page within them is protected with our campus Kerberos system...



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