On Tuesday, February 01, 2005 4:46 AM [GMT],
hajj abujamal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     I'd sure like to see a "No NetBIOS name lookup" option for Analog,
> though.  That's what slows down Analog.

Analog doesn't have OS specific DNS lookup code - that's one of the
reasons why DNS helper apps are recommended.

Analog isn't doing the NetBIOS lookups, Windows is.

By the way, you might want to check out RDNSLogs as well as, or instead
of, QDNS. QDNS is "quirky" - it doesn't seem to work in exactly the same
way for everybody.

JDResolve is a tool that does a lot of the "fake hostname" stuff that
you are doing, but unfortunately it's not built for Windows - it's been
a few years since I (unsuccessfully) tried to get it running under
Windows, but you might have more luck.


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