
General Summary Comparison

1. Host name Production Webserver Data (4257/4290) - November 2004
2. Program start time                   Dec 1, 2004 08:24
3. Time of first request                Nov 1, 2004 00:00
4. Time of last request                 Nov 30, 2004 23:59
5.  Successful server requests      14,285,839 Requests
6.  Successful requests for pages  1,550,901 Requests for pages
7.  Failed requests                         69,663 Requests
8.  Redirected requests                  330,935 Requests
9.  Distinct files requested             491,822 Files
10. Distinct hosts served                9,260 Hosts
11. Corrupt lines in the logfile      221 Lines
12. Total data transferred              46.303 GB

1. Host name Production Webserver Data (4257/4290) - January 2005
2. Program start time                      Feb 1, 2005 09:21
3. Time of first request                   Jan 1, 2005 00:00
4. Time of last request                    Jan 31, 2005 23:59
5. Successful server requests           15,067,811 Requests
6. Successful requests for pages    193,178 Requests for pages
7. Failed requests                            65,382 Requests
8. Redirected requests                    287,957 Requests
9. Distinct files requested               525,454 Files
10. Distinct hosts served                 9,055 Hosts
11. Corrupt lines in the logfile        255 Lines
12. Total data transferred                51.991 GB


Stephen Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

02/25/2005 10:54 AM
Please respond to Support for analog web log analyzer

        To:        Support for analog web log analyzer <>
        cc:        (bcc: Mike Jenkins-MW/PGI)
        Subject:        Re: [analog-help] Still Having problems with 'Successful Server Requests' Count

So if you compare with an old report, how does the General Summary differ?
Are there just as many successful requests, but fewer successful requests
for pages? Or have some of the successful requests moved into another
category (i.e. redirected, failed, unwanted or corrupt lines)?

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK
  "Low Priced Cambridge Clare College. Big selection at eBay UK!"
  (Ad after Google search for Clare College Cambridge)
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