At 02:05p -0700 05/10/2005, Leonard Daly didst inscribe upon an electronic papyrus:

At 12:45 PM 5/10/05, Charlie H. wrote:

 > > I would like to know if I can include the monitor resolution of
 > > visitors in my analog report?


Unless the browser sends it to you (either as part of the User Agent string) or you write some JavaScript code to pass that information back, you can't get it.

I believe what you really want is the browser window size, not the monitor resolution. Monitor resolution is typically 72 dpi for CRTs and 96 (or so) for LCDs (flat panel). Neither of those numbers tells you how many pixels are on the screen or how much of the screen the browser window is using.

Most web designers go for a screen size of 800 x 600. This is short by over 200 pixels horizontally. If you choose to use the next size up (1024 x 768), make sure that your text does not go the full width. It is too hard to read. Also consider your site's audience - the developers I know do not use browsers running full-screen. Many non-developers do use full-screen browsers.

I've never made my browser full screen. My windows are ~500px wide, because that's my preference (I won't say more because we don't want a rant). My screen is 1152px wide, but that has zero bearing on my browser window size.

What would be the point of logging screen sizes? As someone else here said, you should be designing for content. Why try to force something which was intended to be fluid? HTML's natural device independence is a feature, not a bug.

Oops, I'm starting to rant. Anyway, point is: focusing attention on size would just be a waste of time, so find something better to do. :-)

 who uses Lynx as much as Safari (and Safari w/JavaScript disabled)

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