Hi Paul,

P. Sumner wrote:
Danke, Werner, for your comments:

Of course I've seen favicons in my browser URL line before, and now I understand how Windows looks for a "favicon.ico" in my root directory.

But I still don't understand a couple things:

1) If visitors using IE-6 have made our URL a "favorite" (not a bookmark), then why does IE not actually open any page on our website when they click on our URL in their Favorites directory?
I don't see this beheaviour. Just added your site to the Favorites in MS IE 6 and cleared the history, closed it and opened it again. Then clicked on the Favorites item for your site and I get the initial screen if I then click on the Heabrew text it opens up a new window with this page http://www.hebrew-streams.org/frontstuff/streams.html or if I click on the right arrow it opens this page in the same window http://www.hebrew-streams.org/frontstuff/hineiatem.html which all looks normal to me and it works in the same way using Mozilla 1.7.8.

2) If these visitors continue to get a 404 from the server, doesn't that mean IE is telling them that their "favorite" is not valid?
I don't know if I generate a 404, I believe I would do, BUT I don't get redirected to the 404.html doing the above steps.

3) If this is so, why do they keep trying to hit our website this way? As I said before, some people try every few minutes, for we get repeated log entries from the same IPs.
Are you sure that these hits are "people", i.e. are they maybe robots?
But they never find an alternate way of getting into the site, for example through "index.html." They don't ultimately open any pages on the site.

4) We'll create and upload a favicon.ico and see what happens. May all the IE-6 users be happier.
That is what I would do and then see if they go away, but as mentioned above I think there is not problem with your site today for users with IE 6.

We are concerned that visitors get to our site if they want to. But our main concern is all the bandwidth and clutter that these "ghost hits" are taking up, as recorded in our daily logs.

But perhaps it's all leichtsinnig when compared to the world outside, jah?
See you and viel spass!

Paul Sumner
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