On Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:28 PM [EDT],
Sokolow, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When actually running the report, do I need to comment out the CFG
files I want to skip for that run?  I.e., if I want the numbers on
server #1, should the G+ lines for the other 3 servers be commented
out, and then down the line for each specific report?

Commented out of where? The examples that I showed are separate command lines. You can stick all 4 in a batch file, to create all 4 reports, one after the other, or create 4 icons on your desktop with those properties, or you could just type the commands on the command line as needed. It all depends on how you work with Analog - I do all my work at the command line, you may not.

Also, If I want to use REQINCLUDE on some reports but not on others,
which takes precedence?  That is, if the analog.cfg file has
REQINCLUDE *.dll, but I don't need that for server #1, and I do a
REQEXCLUDE *.dll, which of the two configs will work?

The later command usually takes precedence. If you use a CONFIGFILE command in the middle of analog.cfg, the contents of the CONFIGFILE will effectively be in the middle of analog.cfg - lines in the analog.cfg that come after the CONFIGFILE will take precendence over anything in the CONFIGFILE. Analog reads analog.cfg before it reads the command line, so the +g argument is like putting CONFIGFILE at the very end of the analog.cfg - it will supercede any conflicting statement in the analog.cfg

 Though I
suppose I could leave all those In & Excludes on the sub CFG files
and not even mention it on the analog.cfg.

It depends on how often you want to change the default. But with only 4 reports, t probably makes sense to put any non-global changes into the individual .cfg files, rather than into analog.cfg.

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