On Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:12 PM [EDT],

The problem I'm having is that when I run the analog script from my
webpage with the search options, it either takes so long that it
displays "Page not found" with analog.pl being the page its on, or it
has a blank page with the page still being the original stats page
that I submitted.  Any ideas as to what's wrong with my instance of

Unless you have very large logfiles, the only thing that normally causes Analog to run slowly is DNS lookups. But DNS lookups are effectively disabled in the form interface, so it's unlikely that that's the problem.

You don't mention what web server you are running, but there were a number of reports of difficulties running the form interface on IIS6 last year, and there was ony one report of someone successfully tweaking the .pl script to get consistent output - http://lists.meer.net/pipermail/analog-help/2005-July/018575.html. I don't recall anyone following up on that report.

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