On Tuesday, August 08, 2006 3:40 PM [EDT],
Jeff Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jeff Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

whoops, sorry to followup my own email, but I forgot
to ask this:

Is there any way to get more detail on the Status
report?   or to perhaps do a report where you only
include by status?



Thinking a requests report that only includes
files with status "500 Internal server error"
might be real handy...

yes, I did see the notes in the docs that mention
that almost all the reports only show data on
successful hits, and that analog isn't real useful
for failure analysis... sigh.

You did? That's not in my copy of the documentation! It may be that logfiles aren't the right place to be looking for to find information about a failure, but if the logfiles do contain such information, Analog is probably the best tool available for getting the information out of the data. Analog has a range of Failure reports, but they are off by default.

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