On Wednesday, August 09, 2006 1:37 AM [EDT],
Jeff Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yes, I have failure report on.  I was trying to get more info
included in it.  yes, it has filename/path & reqs, but at
least the default isn't showing the status code with each

The status report shows a summary of how many files have
each status code...

but neither does both detailed filename AND the status code,
which wouldn't seem to be a FAQ 128 situation since that
info is definitely in the same line of the logs, not something
you'd have to cross-reference.

Each file can generate multiple status codes, so it is a FAQ 128 situation. If you want to get a report on the files that generate Status 500, you need to use STATUSINCLUDE 500. Then you would have to run a seperate report with STATUSINCUDE 404 to get those files, etc.

FYI, I do get log entries on scripts during the hangs.  Here's an
example. Note the last field (time-taken)

#Fields: date time c-ip cs-username s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem
cs-uri-query sc-status sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken

2006-08-01 23:56:26 - GET
/peren/perenindex.asp |-|ASP_0147|500_Server_Error 302 0 0 515
10956703 2006-08-01 23:56:26 - GET
/peren/peren.asp -|ASP_0147|500_Server_Error 302 0 0 514 10263640
2006-08-01 23:56:26 - GET
/roses/roseindex.asp |-|ASP_0147|500_Server_Error 302 0 0 487 10099703
2006-08-01 23:56:26 - GET
/roses/roseindex.asp |-|ASP_0147|500_Server_Error 302 0 0 487 10096500
2006-08-01 23:56:26 - GET
/roses/roseindex.asp |-|ASP_0147|500_Server_Error 302 0 0 487 10076875
2006-08-01 23:56:26 - GET
/roses/sections.asp |-|ASP_0147|500_Server_Error 302 0 0 486 10074718
2006-08-01 23:56:26 - GET
/roses/rosesearch.asp |-|ASP_0147|500_Server_Error 302 0 0 488
Unfortunately, since it's on a webhosting account, I don't have
direct admin access to much past the logfiles, so I have to pass
requests for anything more direct like events logs through support.
Fun all around.  sigh.

It looks like those files are actually returning a 302 status code. The 500 error message is actually in the cs-uri-query field. You might need to look in the Redirection Report rather than the Failure Report. Google ASP_0147 for some more ideas.

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