2 related questions, though more on run

1) The analog help mentioned that it doesn't
read/use the error logs.  If those logs are
in the same folder as the regular access logs, 
do I need to mod my LOGFILES string to ignore
them or does analog know to ignore them some 
other way?  

I am getting some warnings of possible overlap,
so I'm guessing that means analog is trying to
use them.  Is that a problem?

analog: Warning L: logfiles ..\logs\access_logs200627week and
  ..\logs\error_logs200627week overlap: possible double counting

2) When running analog, some of the reports 
are turned off by analog because they are 
empty (no data, like referer, etc).
Is it more efficient to make sure they are
turned off in the cfg file or doesn't that
make any real difference?

Jeff Wilkinson

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