Because I run a report every month and it's linked on a web site as a monthly report. At the end of the month, it's called (ie) 20070731.html and 20070731.png. I have a huge shell script that runs the report, gunzips the access*logs* and the LOGFILE I create. I use a perl script to get names into the user field in the log file. Everything was working but I had to manually change user.png to date.png inside the date.html file.

Well, after I sent this email, I FINALLY got the variable ($ks) I use for the date each month to replace the user.png inside the file. I was getting the actual $ks.png. $ks represents the last day of the month on the first.

I ran several tests on the script. On the first it'll run with the new sed statements that replace user.png with what will be 20070831.png on 9/1/07

I'm good.  Thanks.


Klaus Johannes Rusch wrote:
Jeanne Ilchuk wrote:

How can I set up a monthly report I run, along with a user.png file, to output the user.png as my.png where it's referenced inside the my.html file without using sed.

I see the IMAGE dir, but unless I misunderstood, all the files are still user.png or user.gif
You cannot modify the file names without modifying the source code and recompiling analog. Why do you want to change the name of the file?

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