
Blimey. Maybe M$ will make the Windows versions for Vista and Server 2008 
different in the end, in the same way XP is 5.1 and Windows Server 2003 is 
5.2, because the products share a similar relationship. Who knows, it would 
seem a sensible option, though there's little definite evidence as yet...

The data you've included looks like downloads of the updated Analog from your 
site. As you'll see I didn't download using Vista x64, but am running it on 
such as I said. I downloaded using a 32-bit OS on a processor using the AMD64 
architecture and you're correct there is no record of this. However, I wonder 
what would happen if I were to download again using a 64-bit OS? Since you 
might post details of my IP and software environment I'm a little nervous 
about doing so, despite my connection being proxied anyhow. As I say I have 
seen other log analysers record the difference between x86 and x64 operating 
systems and I'd be surprised if Analog can't. That would be a reason to switch 
if you're right!

Really this is for academic interest though, but with the move to 64-bit 
computing on the Windows platform over the next few years it would seem a good 
feature to have. As for Safari it's easy enough for me to scan down the 
Browser Report looking for instances of Safari and noting those on the Windows 
platform instead of Mac OS.


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