Paul Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While Firefox and Opera (both 32-bit) are as you suggest, much less
> helpful.

That depends on what you are looking for - does win32/win64 really 
matter if it's a 32-bit browser anyway.

Or to put it another way, if you modified Analog to list Windows XP32 
and Windows XP64 as seperate Operating systems (for example), which 
bucket would you put a 32 bit client running on XP64 into? Your web 
server is only communicating with the 32-bit part of the system, so it 
would make more sense to me to count that as a Win32 client.

There is a 64-bit version of Firefox available - I'm not sure why the 
Mozilla team aren't producing their own 64-bit builds.


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