At Friday, November 16, 2007 9:08 PM, Joshua S. Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've read the Analog docs pretty closely.  I've used Analog on and
off over the last 10 years and am always pleased to come back...

Here are the facts:

Httpd.conf logformat line:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"(%r)\" %>s %b \"(ref %{Referer}i)\" \
\"(client %{User-agent}i)\" \"(elapsed %D)\"" mainserver

What I put in my analog.cfg file:

APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t \"(%r)\" %>s %b \"(ref %{Referer}i)\"
\"(client %{User-agent}i)\" \"(elapsed %D)\")

Which, as far as I can read, *should* work.. However, when I run

$ analog -G +g./analog.cfg -v
analog: analog version 6.0/Unix
analog: Warning C: Too many arguments for configuration command:
ignoring end of line starting:
 APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t \"(%r) \"
 (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)

You're using () as a delimiter for your LOGFORMAT, even though you have () characters in the format string. Use a different delimiter, such as [].

APACHELOGFORMAT [%h %l %u %t \"(%r)\" %>s %b \"(ref %{Referer}i)\" \"(client %{User-agent}i)\" \"(elapsed %D)\"]

analog: Warning C: Ignoring long configuration line starting
 # - - [04/Nov/2007:00:00:06 -0400] "(GET

You probably put a line from your logfile into the .cfg so you could compare it to your LOGFORMAT.

analog: Warning M: Logfile /u/2/j/jf2412/logfiles/*.20071110
 contains lines with no bytes: byte counts may be low

Many of the reports will report on the bytes transferred - if you're not recording that information, Analog can't report on it.

I do see that the hosts.txt file I set up is getting bigger and
bigger so SOMETHING's happening..

Of course I won't know until the file is done being parsed, etc.. But
I'm concerned about this error... Is there ANYTHING you can suggest I
do to make analog happier with the apache logformat?

That sounds like you're having Analog do it's own DNS lookups. You really need to look into some of the DNS Helper apps that will create the "hosts.txt" file for you much faster than Analog can do on it's own.

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