Hi Aengus,  

This thing with the [] doesn't really seem to be working... I'm guessing I
need to change to LOGFORMAT and figure out how to translate that
APACHELOGFORMAT string into an analog string?


On 11/17/07 7:59 AM, "Aengus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At Friday, November 16, 2007 9:08 PM, Joshua S. Freeman
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've read the Analog docs pretty closely.  I've used Analog on and
>> off over the last 10 years and am always pleased to come back...
>> Here are the facts:
>> Httpd.conf logformat line:
>> LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"(%r)\" %>s %b \"(ref %{Referer}i)\" \
>> \"(client %{User-agent}i)\" \"(elapsed %D)\"" mainserver
>> What I put in my analog.cfg file:
>> APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t \"(%r)\" %>s %b \"(ref %{Referer}i)\"
>> \"(client %{User-agent}i)\" \"(elapsed %D)\")
>> Which, as far as I can read, *should* work.. However, when I run
>> analog:
>> $ analog -G +g./analog.cfg -v
>> analog: analog version 6.0/Unix
>> analog: Warning C: Too many arguments for configuration command:
>> ignoring end of line starting:
>>  APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t \"(%r) \"
>>  (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
> You're using () as a delimiter for your LOGFORMAT, even though you have ()
> characters in the format string. Use a different delimiter, such as [].
> APACHELOGFORMAT [%h %l %u %t \"(%r)\" %>s %b \"(ref %{Referer}i)\"
> \"(client %{User-agent}i)\" \"(elapsed %D)\"]
>> analog: Warning C: Ignoring long configuration line starting
>>  # cuscon11608.tstt.net.tt - - [04/Nov/2007:00:00:06 -0400] "(GET
>> /imag
> You probably put a line from your logfile into the .cfg so you could
> compare it to your LOGFORMAT.
>> analog: Warning M: Logfile /u/2/j/jf2412/logfiles/*.20071110
>>  contains lines with no bytes: byte counts may be low
> Many of the reports will report on the bytes transferred - if you're not
> recording that information, Analog can't report on it.
>> I do see that the hosts.txt file I set up is getting bigger and
>> bigger so SOMETHING's happening..
>> Of course I won't know until the file is done being parsed, etc.. But
>> I'm concerned about this error... Is there ANYTHING you can suggest I
>> do to make analog happier with the apache logformat?
> That sounds like you're having Analog do it's own DNS lookups. You really
> need to look into some of the DNS Helper apps that will create the
> "hosts.txt" file for you much faster than Analog can do on it's own.
> http://www.analog.cx/helpers/#dns
> Aengus 
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